Post-Purchase Upsell

Looking for a simple way to radically boost the average order value in your store? Take every upsell opportunity.  The Post-Purchase Upsell offer can help!

With a one-click add-to-order option embedded directly into your checkout experience, it’s a great way to increase order sizes while still maintaining a smooth and enjoyable customer experience. To get started, simply follow the steps below.

Getting set up

Choose your trigger 

Pick any products to trigger the post-purchase offer between the checkout page and the thank you page! If the product is in the order that your customer places they will see the post-purchase upsell offer. It’s as simple as that!

Pick your offer

Here you’ll pick the product or products you’d like to offer post purchase. If you pick multiple products, the offer will show one at random. You can decide to set a discount by amount or percentage as well.

If you have limited stock or want to set maximum quantities per order, you can also set a limit on how many of your offer products a customer can add.

Visibility and functionality

This offer type doesn’t have visibility until your customer has checked out. Here’s how it looks: 

  • When your customer triggers a post-purchase offer by having the right products in their order, they will see a new page with the suggested product. 

Your customer is able to exit out and that finalizes the order as they first put it through.  

If they decide to take you up on the offer, they will move to the thank you page with their original products as well as the upsell product. 

In the admin you will see a single order and your customer will see two separate purchases. This allows for them to have the first one go through regardless if they add the new product to their order!

Check out our support article for more details

Testing the offer

All of the products in our demo store are triggers for the post-purchase upsell. In this case you can put through a test order to see how it all works. Add any item to an order, then click ‘Checkout.' You can fill in any shipping and billing information, and in the payment fields use the following:

Credit card number: 1 

Name: any first name and last name 

Expiry date: any date in the future 

CVC: 123

Once the order goes through you will see the offer page!

How to get the most out of Post-Purchase Upsells

When it comes to creating powerful post-purchase upsells (that actually convert), the strategy does not differ substantially from the approach we highlight for regular upsell offers. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind in order to maximize your conversion rate in a post-purchase scenario.

Be helpful

Do you ever go to the store for one item, only to realize that you forgot another AFTER you’ve already checked out? Chances are you have, and your customers have too. Help them out with a useful upsell!

Within this moment of human forgetfulness, is also an opportunity for merchants to create a powerful upsell. Consider smaller accessory items that enhance the experience of larger, more popular products in your store and how these products can be positioned post-purchase.

For example, if you sell outdoor footwear you may create a post-purchase upsell for waxed shoelaces. While waxed laces are not vital to the purchase of the initial item, they offer a simple opportunity to improve upon the item without breaking the bank.

Aim small

Customers aren’t likely to make a spontaneous post-purchase addition if the item they’re shown is expensive.  Choose to show items that are lower priced to make it easier for them to say yes to the offer.

Test different items

As with all our offers, you should test different upsells to see what has the highest conversion rate.  Focus on the items that customers most frequently opt to buy!

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